About Us

Who Are We? 

We’re your friendly neighborhood geeks eager to update you on the most recent developments in technology. In addition, we’re here to translate all the technical speak so you can choose your next piece of technology wisely.

We not only write about technology, but we also experience it. Our crew examines several routers every year. The systems undergo various tests after delivery to evaluate performance, durability, and general quality using simulated and real-world standards. This also applies to electronic equipment and other smart home gadgets.

Why We Do It

There are many amazing devices available. But your available space and financial resources are limited if you’re anything like us. Any device, including routers, requires investment. To that aim, we wish to assist you in choosing the product that best suits your needs and financial situation.

But we go further than that. Additionally, we wish to assist you in making the most of your brand-new device.

Our Mission: Get the correct equipment

We spend many hours evaluating the goods in our purchasing recommendations, whether the best routers, thermostats, TV, or exercise bike, to inform our readers about the best products for their needs and budgets. Additionally, we thoroughly contrast the best goods and update readers on the most recent information.

So that our audience has the most knowledge possible before deciding on the newest gadgets and the hottest new trend.

Save money

We assist our readers in saving money by offering them in-depth coverage of bargains on popular things all year long, whether it’s the greatest router deals or the finest exercise bike.

Additionally, we offer guidance on whether upgrading to a newer gadget is worthwhile and how to cut the cord and save money. Personal financial hints to help consumers make the most of their budget.

Sign up as a Contributor

Since testing is not just my passion but also a part of my soul, I’ve been writing for this community for years, and I’m confident I will keep doing so for many more. 

Every person who reads my site is looking for professional counsel, and I never want to disappoint them. Because of this, we are extending it, and I need your help to respond to their questions. So please join me in this endeavor and contribute your expertise as well!

There are several ways you may support us. First, you may engage in the discussion thread by asking new questions or responding to ones that have already been asked. You may assist me by responding to the blog’s comment area reader questions.

You may also assist our community by contributing articles on relevant subjects. Send us a note if you’re interested in writing for this blog.

Have Any Ideas for Us?

We would be interested in hearing your recommendations or advice. Additionally, you are welcome to provide suggestions for our development, better writing subjects, or any bugs you came across while using our website. Additionally, you may reach me using this page’s contact form.

We appreciate you taking the time to read this and hope to see you again here soon!

Thanks a lot!

Team House Router